Installing NeurEco on RedHat ===================================== To install NeurEco with administrator privileges on RedHat, use the package manager of your choice to install the rpm. For example, when using yum the commands to install NeurEco are as follows: .. code-block:: shell :linenos: sudo yum localinstall adagos-neureco-yourVersion.x86_64.rpm sudo yum localinstall adagos-neurecogui-yourVersion.x86_64.rpm .. note:: The second command installs the GUI, so it is optional. Once NeurEco is installed, the user must provide a license. There are two options for providing the license to NeurEco: * Create an environment variable called ADAGOS_LICENSE_FILE and make its value the path of the license file. * Copy the license file to the home directory. .. note:: * If Python API or NeurEco GUI does not locate the NeurEco libraries, please make sure that the directory "/usr/local/lib" is added to the LD LIBRARY Path. * If the file "" is not found on the machine NeurEco will throw an error. Please make sure to install "libompl". To use NeurEco without administrator privileges, the user needs to unzip the installation rpm file. It contains all the files needed for NeurEco to function properly. To unzip the installation rpm file, please use the following command: .. code-block:: shell rpm2cpio path_to_adagos_neureco_your_version.rpm | cpio -idmv .. warning:: In this installation case, and in order to use NeurEco as described in the following chapters, the user must add the NeurEco bin folder to the ENV PATH or do the following: * When using the NeurEco python API, always instantiate the NeurEco object with the full path of the NeurEco dll address: ".../bin/" for the Tabular solution and ".../bin/" for the Dynamic solution. * If the file "" is not found on the machine NeurEco will throw an error. Please make sure to install "libgomp".